This is our "bragging" page. Here are just some of the things New Pod City has done and is involved with.
Thanks to Kevin O'Leary's belief in the power of
New Pod City's PodStock event, he made us this awesome promo video! Using New Pod City connections to gift a guest with a
screen-used prop from the movie, "The Empire Strikes Back". The piece was also signed by Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker). Using New Pod City connections for a congratulatory shout-out from the Legendary Tom Silva, from "This Old House" to Kevin Kennedy and Ron Melk of the "Your Valuable Home" podcast,
for their 100th episode. New Pod City took some of their podcasters on a dinner cruise to celebrate milestones reached as well as gifted everyone in attendance with a New Pod City swag bag.
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Todd Cochrane, CEO of podcast hosting company BluBrry,
and former VP at Libsyn, Rob Greenlee review New Pod City's Podcasting conference, "PodStock". Using New Pod City connections for congratulatory celebrity shout-outs to Brandon Norwood and Jeff Stewart of "The Film Blerds" podcast, for their 50th episode.
UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture wished Frank and Christina Sasso well and tries to get Frank to commit to a sparring match.
New Pod City was hired by HBO for the revival of Sex and the City, "And Just Like That" with Sarah Jessica Parker. Her character, "Carrie Bradshaw" needed to look and act like a podcaster.
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