Recording Studio

If you're in or near the Mercer County, NJ area and need a studio to record your podcast in, New Pod City can help you! Our rates are extremely affordable and our SHURE studio is equipped with everything you need to sound amazing!
You can book a single 1-hour audio session or a single 1-hour video session by clicking on the appropriate buttons below. We do not allow any outside video crews, cell phone/digital device shooting, or "going live" on social media in the studio at any time. If you need video conferencing (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Duo, Facetime, etc.) you must have your own account and a New Pod City engineer will complete your hook up providing you paid for a video session.
In addition, New Pod City reserves the right to use your audio/video sessions on New Pod City's platform and social media accounts for company promotion.
Book your session below.
You can book a single 1-hour audio session or a single 1-hour video session by clicking on the appropriate buttons below. We do not allow any outside video crews, cell phone/digital device shooting, or "going live" on social media in the studio at any time. If you need video conferencing (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Duo, Facetime, etc.) you must have your own account and a New Pod City engineer will complete your hook up providing you paid for a video session.
In addition, New Pod City reserves the right to use your audio/video sessions on New Pod City's platform and social media accounts for company promotion.
Book your session below.