On January 1, 2025, Trenton Waves will be launching the official
cPremium Supreme Extra Content Ultra (the "C" in Premium is silent) Subscription Membership Stay Tuned!
SPONSORS & PARTNERSDIRECTORIESJust click on a directory if you're not already familiar with podcasts. You might have to download the directory's free app if you don't already have it.
THE HOSTSOriginally from New York, Frank and Christina Sasso moved to Trenton in 2003. They bought a house that was built in 1840-ish, restored it, and have made Trenton their home. Frank and Christina are award-winning podcasters and have decided to start "Trenton Waves" to help spread the word to—not only our neighboring counties and states but—the world. Award-Winning podcasters, The Sassos love the city of Trenton, NJ.